今年有望成為有史以來最好的攤位最終在上聖誕燈在集市廣場的開關在所有描述和娛樂 5:00下午通過多佛鎮鎮長, 議員珍貴, 當地聖誕啞劇鑄件支持 (DODS) 美女 & 野獸, (黑鯨) 睡美人, 和 (多佛青年劇院) 聖誕老人黃禍, 隨著多佛社區廣播的支持. 一些亮點,在市場廣場包括皇家馴鹿, the Splashpals Newfoundland dogs with their Christmas Carriages and Santa in his Grotto. Enjoy non-stop entertainment from 12:30pm on the main stage and Christmas Workshops and Crafts in the former Claire’s Accessories store on Biggin Street from 10:00am to 3:30下午. There will be a climbing wall and smaller boulder wall for the little ones by the Prince Albert Public House from 10am. Singers, Meet N Greet Characters, Stilt Walker, Caricaturist and much more ensure that there is something for everyone on Dover’s most festive day. Please have a look at the programme for full details. Programmes are available from the Dover Town Council offices and the businesses and shops along Biggin Street, Cannon Street and Market Square.