该大厅是盛装和现在花园和配股都在尖顶部形状地球挖, 和丰富的受精, 一个空白的画布,等待新年的灵感. 冰冷的风和倾盆大雨可能会阻止我们尽可能多地呆在户外空间,但在 12 月较为安静的时刻,我们可能会…


还有不到两周的时间去,直到多佛镇议会壮观的圣诞灯饰开关通! 星期六 5 December marks the start of the holiday season with fun for the whole family as Biggin Street to Market Square is transformed into a winter wonderland of stalls, entertainment, and holiday cheer. Supported by the Dover Town Team


秋天的颜​​色上个月的骚乱雾和轻雾消失截至11月窗帘世界灰色. 收获已经结束在大多数情况下,但仍然有很多工作要做, 如果我们愿意. 温室和棚子以及花盆和容器都可以修整一下,…


Statement of Welcome for Refugees People in Dover are compassionate and caring. Almost everyone has experience either first hand or through families and friends of the challenges of living in a border town. Many who work in Dover have responsibility at the sharp end for the protection and freedom of citizens against those who wish
