播種正式開始. 月中或一旦日子從獅子變成羔羊, 種植蠶豆, 早期豌豆, 紅蘿蔔, 生菜, 菠菜, 沙拉葉, 韭菜和甜菜. 種植菊芋塊莖 – 將它們埋入 1 英寸深,相距 12-18 英寸 – 請記住,他們喜歡傳播並且會這樣做…


現在放小樹和攀援植物以防止它們被冬天的風吹走還為時不晚. 修剪蘋果樹、梨樹和醉魚草, 或蝴蝶樹. 邊界可以用覆蓋物做,所以使用肥料, 至少葉黴菌或堆肥 2 英寸厚,以將營養物質放回…


The People of Dover Awards were launched to thank the people who make a real difference to the town of Dover or its residents. It will shine a light on ordinary people who help to improve the quality of life for others and celebrate the excellent work done by individuals, groups and businesses across the
