DOVER GREETERS تبدیل به شرکت منافع جامعه

که در 2012 شورای شهر دوور خدمات خوشامدگویی را که توسط داوطلبان برای ملاقات برگزار می‌شود آغاز کرد, به گردشگرانی که در ماه های تابستان از شهر بازدید می کنند خوشامدگویی و توصیه کنید, برای پاسخ به هر سوالی و به طور کلی احساس خوشامدگویی به شهر بدهید. از آن به بعد, Dover Greeters از قدرت به قوت رفته است, becoming an integral part of life in Dover. Their friendly smiles and familiar blue uniforms have become as much a part of the town as the historic buildings and sites they help to showcase. This month Dover Greeters signed a Service Level Agreement with Dover Town Council and have now become Dover Heritage CIC, enabling them to become a standalone entity. Denise Smith, a charter member of the original Greeters, and now a director of the new company said, “Dover Greeters would like to say a huge thank you to Dover Town Council for setting up and supporting us over the last 3 سال. We look forward to a continuing and happy partnership now we are paddling our own canoe. As volunteers, we work very hard for Dover, meeting and greeting visitors and helping them to enjoy and appreciate our wonderful town

This was echoed by Councillor Sue Jones who said, “I am delighted to hand the management of Dover Greeters to Dover Heritage CIC. I always hoped this would be a community run venture and the Greeters have done such an excellent job to date helping people to get to know and love Dover.”

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Pauline Sonnex, Liz Dimech, Peter Sparshott, Mary Nicholls and Denise Smith