دو هفته ای تجارت منصفانه 2021 – A message from Dover Town Fairtrade Network


Fairtrade is a simple way each one of use can make a difference through our every day choices.

در مورد قیمت های بهتر است, شرایط کاری مناسب, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Fairtrade aims to enable the poorest farmers and workers to improve their position and have more control over their lives.

The Fairtrade mark means that:

  • A minimum price is paid to Fairtrade producers covering their costs of production;
  • The producers receive an additional Fairtrade premium, an extra amount of money to invest in their communities on economic, social or environments projects;
  • Workers on farms also get rights under Fairtrade like decent wages and they are allowed to join unions;
  • The Producers in Fairtrade co-operatives always get a democratic say in decisions – women included.
  • By supporting Fairtrade in your weekly shop, it benefits others considerably; and also demonstrates a better understanding of where our food (and other Fairtrade products) come from.

Both Dover and Deal have Fairtrade Town status and it is very important that we continue to work with the Community to maintain this status; our aim is to have a Fairtrade District, and we already have the support of both the Town Councils and Dover District Council.

As it is Fairtrade Fortnight From 27/2/21 به 7/3/21 our activities will include a virtual meeting with a speaker on 3 راه پیمایی 2021 – anyone interested in attending and /or wanting to know more about our Fairtrade groups please contact pambrivio@ntlworld.com .

Additionally we have donations of Fairtrade Footballs to make and if anyone has contact with youth groups who would be interested in receiving a couple of footballs, please get in contact.


Pam Brivio

Dover Fairtrade Town Network