公平贸易双周 2021 – 来自多佛镇公平贸易网络的消息



这是关于更好的价格, 体面的工作条件, 贸易对发展中国家的农民和工人当地可持续发展和公平的条件. Fairtrade aims to enable the poorest farmers and workers to improve their position and have more control over their lives.


  • 向公平贸易生产者支付最低价格,以涵盖其生产成本;
  • 生产商获得额外的公平贸易溢价, 额外的钱用于在社区投资经济, 社会或环境项目;
  • 农场工人还享有公平贸易下的权利,例如体面的工资,并被允许加入工会;
  • 公平贸易合作社的生产者在决策中始终享有民主发言权,包括妇女在内.
  • 通过在您的每周商店中支持公平贸易, it benefits others considerably; 还可以更好地了解我们的食物 (和其他公平贸易产品) 来自.

Both Dover and Deal have Fairtrade Town status and it is very important that we continue to work with the Community to maintain this status; our aim is to have a Fairtrade District, and we already have the support of both the Town Councils and Dover District Council.

As it is Fairtrade Fortnight From 27/2/21 至 7/3/21 our activities will include a virtual meeting with a speaker on 3 三月 2021 – anyone interested in attending and /or wanting to know more about our Fairtrade groups please contact pambrivio@ntlworld.com .

Additionally we have donations of Fairtrade Footballs to make and if anyone has contact with youth groups who would be interested in receiving a couple of footballs, please get in contact.


Pam Brivio

Dover Fairtrade Town Network