شورای شهر سالانه, پنجشنبه 3 اسفند 2016

از همه رای دهندگان در شهر دوور خواسته می شود در جلسه سالانه شهر که در Maison Dieu برگزار می شود شرکت کنند. (تالار شهر), خیابان بالا, Dover on Thursday 3rd راه پیمایی 2016 در 6:00 PM.


موضوع اصلی کار بحث و رأی گیری در مورد این پیشنهاد خواهد بود, “The People of the Town of Dover object/do not object to the current V2 draft of the Dover Harbour Revision (Constitution) Order 2016”.


The Right Worshipful the Town Mayor of Dover, مشاور کریس پریسس, Chairman of the Dover Town Council said, “We want to give the people a voice in this crucial decision and hopefully show that, whatever the outcome, Dover Town Council will not sell the town of Dover short. We haven’t lost our enthusiasm in fighting for the long term interests of Dovorians and will continue to do so.”


While only electors from the 6 Wards of the town will be eligible to vote, everyone is cordially invited to attend what will be a lively meeting.



Annual Town Meeting Agenda

Briefing from the Town Mayor of Dover

Harbour Revision Order v0 2