在 7日七月, 結合英聯邦運動會, 皇后區接力棒在經過艱苦但鼓舞人心的英聯邦之旅後抵達多佛城堡. The event not only created a way for the people of Dover to celebrate the collective effort of the nations involved but also allowed Dover to be significantly represented in the relay Batons Journey. 活動由多佛市市長議員戈登·考恩(Gordon Cowan)開始, and was followed with a speech highlighting the importance and success of our communities’ Baton bearers and the talent of the local performers.
The Queens Baton Relay made an exquisite entrance to the White Cliffs of Dover before leading towards a commemorative party involving around 2500 people at Dover Castle where the baton bearers were warmly welcomed. This relay is the 16日 official Queens Baton Relay involving up to 2500 miles and is now on set to arrive in Birmingham where the commonwealth games will open on the 28日 七月, 儘管如此,以白崖國家而享有盛譽的多佛爾很高興在偉大旅程的過程中只扮演了一小部分.