
在 7七月, 结合英联邦运动会, the Queens Baton relay arrived at Dover Castle after its arduous yet inspiring journey around the Commonwealth. The event not only created a way for the people of Dover to celebrate the collective effort of the nations involved but also allowed Dover to be significantly represented in the relay Batons Journey. The event was commenced by the Mayor of Dover councilor Gordon Cowan, 随后发表讲话,强调我们社区的接力棒手的重要性和成功以及当地表演者的才华.

皇后区接力棒精美地进入多佛白崖,然后举行了一场纪念派对,其中包括 2500 多佛城堡的人们,接力棒受到热烈欢迎. 这个继电器是 16 官方的皇后区接力棒涉及多达 2500 英里,现在将抵达伯明翰,英联邦运动会将于 28 七月, 尽管如此,以白崖国家而享有盛誉的多佛尔很高兴在伟大旅程的过程中只扮演了一小部分.