Dover Town Council wil stap in die dorp bevorder en aanmoedig as deel van 'n gesonde leefstyl. Vir hierdie doel, drie uiteenlopende roetes is geskep vir die gemeenskap om te geniet. Die roetes sluit die dorp se erfenis in, toerisme, vervoer en natuur en wissel van ongeveer 24 minute tot 2 ure. All three routes start and finish at the Market Square, Dover.
To start planning your route, click on one of the links below to take you to street by street details for each route along with further information on the history of the route.
Route One (Approximately 24 minute)
This route takes in the sites of the town centre in a leisurely stroll suitable for all ages and abilities.
Dovers Route 1 – Street by Street
Route Two (Approximately 1 hour)
Route Two begins and ends at Market Square, taking in a broader aspect of the town centre of Dover, as well as an optional detour to the castle. It is suitable for people of all ages and abilities who wish to know Dover in a more intimate way.
Dovers Route 2 – Street by Street
Route Three (Approximately 2 Ure)
This route takes in the sites of the town as well as an exploration of the environs. This route has more variations of terrain and steeper gradations as the town gives way to countryside.
Dovers Route 3 – Street by Street