CHALKUP 21 Launch

The Town Council met with other partners to celebrate the launch of the CHALKUP 21 website and trail markers. CHALKUP21 links 9 superlative 21st Century art and architecture structures along a 17 mile coastal and cultural trail stretching from Capel le Ferne to Deal together with two national long distance trails, the North Downs Way

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At a shambolic meeting of the Planning Committee of Dover District Council last night ( 25ژانویه 2018), a packed agenda gave both officers and councillors an unrivalled opportunity to demonstrate why many electors in the district have no respect for this important council department. After spending an hour discussing the importance of adhering to

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شبکه شهر تجارت منصفانه Dover در روز پنجشنبه در AGM خود در دفاتر شورای شهر یک سال بسیار شلوغ و موفق را جشن گرفت. 18 ژانویه. ادای احترام به رانی فیلپات، مشاور فقید، که از اعضای قدیمی گروه و نایب رئیس و کشیش بود، انجام شد.. مایکل هینتون, یک عضو موسس در 2005, who was unable to

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No food is fresher than the food you grow yourself. You can choose what food you grow and how you grow it on a Town Council allotment. در این سال ما می خواهید برای تشویق مبتدیان با ارائه قطعه استارت کوچک در چهار سایت که ما در سراسر شهر مدیریت. The soil is good – the

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Christmas cheer was spread throughout Dover Town Centre during the weekend of 2nd & 3rd December. For the first time the annual Christmas celebration continued on through to Sunday. The festive fun started early on Saturday Morning with a huge crowd gathering for the Switch On of the Christmas Tree and High Street Festive Lights

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