Dover Garden of Remembrance and Centenary Poppy Appeal

Local volunteers from The Royal British Legion (White Cliffs Branch) jobbade hårt idag för att komma iväg nästan 200 officiella svarta RBL-korsningar i 2021 Garden of Remembrance vid People of Dovers krigsminnesmärke. Varje kors representerar en del av de väpnade styrkorna där en lokal person tjänstgjorde och gav sitt liv i väpnad konflikt för de friheter vi åtnjuter idag.

RBL-grenen kommer att samla in pengar för 2021 Poppy Appell på Krigsminnesmärket från och med lördag 30e oktober för 2 Veckor. The RBL marks its Centenary this year, 100 years dedicated to supporting veterans and their families. Our local Branch members will join 40,000 other volunteers from across the country to raise funds for much needed help for those who have sacrificed so much.

RBL Volunteer Peter Hall said –

“It’s good to be back and able to interact with members of the public again”

The Town Council’s service of Commemoration will take place at the Memorial on Remembrance Sunday 14e November beginning shortly before 11am. More details including an Order of Service will be available on the Town Council website nearer the time.

Our picture shows local RBL volunteer Peter Hall setting up the 2021 Garden of Remembrance.