Dover Garden of Remembrance en Centenary Poppy Appeal

Lokale vrijwilligers van The Royal British Legion (Witte Kliffen Tak) were working hard today to set out the nearly 200 official black RBL crosses in the 2021 Garden of Remembrance at the People of Dover’s War Memorial. Each cross represents a part of the armed forces where a local person served and gave their life in armed conflict for the freedoms we enjoy today.

The RBL Branch will be fundraising for the 2021 Poppy Appeal at the War Memorial from Saturday 30th October for 2 weken. The RBL marks its Centenary this year, 100 years dedicated to supporting veterans and their families. Our local Branch members will join 40,000 andere vrijwilligers uit het hele land om geld in te zamelen voor de broodnodige hulp voor degenen die zoveel hebben opgeofferd.

RBL Vrijwilliger Peter Hall zei:

"Het is goed om terug te zijn en weer in contact te kunnen komen met het publiek"

De herdenkingsdienst van de gemeenteraad vindt plaats bij de Memorial op Dodenherdenking zondag 14th November beginning shortly before 11am. More details including an Order of Service will be available on the Town Council website nearer the time.

Op onze foto is te zien hoe de lokale RBL-vrijwilliger Peter Hall de 2021 Tuin der Herinnering.