Future Foundry är stolta över att kunna presentera en gratis, informell skiss-och-chatta session för ungdomar i Dover med illustratör, serietecknare och färgsättare Bex Glendining. Lördagen den 11 november blir det en workshop för unga i åldern 11-16, i Dover i Biggin Hall som en del av Future Foundry's weekly, gratis lördag konstklubb, The Forge, which runs from midday to 3pm.
Bex Glendining, who likes ‘drawing vampires, tiny homes and quiet scenes’, has an impressive client list including Netflix, Marvel and the BBC, alongside incredible book cover designs and imaginative projects that glow with a supernatural beauty.
Just like in their incredible illustrations, Bex will gently illuminate their own drawing techniques and share industry knowledge, talking about their career journey and shining a light on what it takes to be a freelance illustrator. It’s an opportunity for those who are curious about drawing, and we are especially keen for participants who are shy, introverted or express themselves through drawing. If you are a young Dover resident, you can apply for the workshop by emailing office@futurefoundry.org.uk – please note spaces are limited.
For further information on Bex can be found här, and organisers Future Foundry här. För intervjuförfrågningar, bilder och ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta oss på: office@futurefoundry.org.uk