Growing for Green

There is still time to get growing this spring! A few allotment plots are still available for rent on the Town Council allotment sites. Contact Karen Dry at the Town Council Offices or download and application form from our website.

15 remarkable people and organisations came together to be celebrated and thanked for their contribution to the community life of our Town in the Annual People of Dover Awards Ceremony. Nominations were received in 6 categories and voted for by the public. Congratulations to: “Outstanding Contribution to Helping your Neighbour” Award Winner: Dover Street

Darllen mwy

  3.6 amcangyfrifir bod miliwn o ymwelwyr dydd i Dover werth £110m i'r economi leol. Ar draws yr ardal 5,000 mae swyddi'n dibynnu ar dwristiaeth. Mae'r Ganolfan Groeso yn Sgwâr y Farchnad yn gwasanaethu 120,000 pobl bob blwyddyn yn eu cyfeirio at atyniadau a chyfleusterau lleol. Mae pobl leol hefyd yn elwa o'r hyfforddwr, theatre and bookings

Darllen mwy

Deputy Lieutenant of Kent Mr Bill Fawcus read a moving tribute from Prince Charles to the Queen just before the lighting of the Dover Town Beacon at Dover Castle in celebration of Her Majesty’s 90th birthday. Community Groups had enjoyed a picnic at the Castle and superb performances by Dover Youth Theatre, Dover Tales and

Darllen mwy