WCCP manage the Town Council’s open access land in Dover and they always welcome extra help. If you want to contribute to making our beautiful countryside even more lovely contact them for details of their volunteering opportunities. Children and families can discover lots of fun stuff about wildlife, creepy crawlies and plants at a WCCP

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A summer of fun is planned for Pencester Gardens and the Market Square. The Civic and Special Projects Committee of the Council gave the green light to funding of £5,500 for a series of free concerts and entertainments during the coming summer months. A spokesperson for Dover Town Council said “There will be something for

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Our Winter Newsletter with information about Town Council projects and services is now available to read here Newsletter Winter 21 In line with Government advice our offices are now closed to personal callers but you are able to contact us by phone or email.

Credit_Brian van der Veen Dydd Sadwrn 4ydd Rhagfyr, Cynhaliodd Dover ei ddigwyddiad tymhorol cyntaf Dover’s Winter Light Up, lle disgleiriodd y dref yn llachar! Cynhyrchodd y digwyddiad bartneriaeth trwy Destination Dover, a welodd orymdaith llusernau hudol a gyflwynwyd gan Future Foundry. Maer Dover y Cynghorydd Gordon Cowan, Arweinydd Cyngor Dosbarth Dover, y Cynghorydd Trevor Bartlett, ac…

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Cyngor Tref Dover, Mae Cyngor Dosbarth Dover a Destination Dover yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi Dover’s Winter Light Up – dathliad trwy'r dydd o hwyl yr ŵyl yng nghanol tref Dover ddydd Sadwrn 4ydd Rhagfyr. Bydd y digwyddiad yn cyfuno Marchnad Nadolig gydag adloniant byw, gweithgareddau Nadoligaidd cyffrous a noson ryngweithiol o olau Nadoligaidd, with a lantern

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Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade Dover War Memorial Sunday 14 Tachwedd 2021   Am 11.00am ar ddynion Sul y Cofio Dover, menywod a phlant wedi ymgasglu wrth Gofeb Ryfel Pobl Dover i anrhydeddu cof yr holl filwyr a fu farw mewn gwrthdaro arfog ddoe a heddiw. dros 60 wreaths

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