倒数圣诞节在多佛 2015


星期六 5 12 月标志着节日季的开始,比金街 (Biggin Street) 至集市广场 (Market Square) 变成了冬季摊位仙境,全家人都可以尽享欢乐, 娱乐, 和节日的欢乐. Supported by the Dover Town Team and the Healthy High Street Initiative, this year’s Switch On promises to be bigger and better than ever, kicking off at 10 am with the Christmas Workshop in the former Claire’s Accessories store on Biggin Street. There will be a climbing wall and smaller boulder wall for the little ones by the Prince Albert Public House from 10 上午. A variety of performances will be showcased on the main stage from 12: 30 in the Market Square, 很多有趣的摊上镇, 以及各种活动和表演整天. 真正的驯鹿都回到了市场广场附近,今年纽芬兰Splashpals将伴随我们整个下午在市场街与他们的圣诞马车. 圣诞老人抵达他的石窟在集市广场刚过 12: 30.

从 4: 50 多佛镇镇长和多佛戏剧圣诞节哑剧的铸型成员, (DODS) 美女和野兽, ( 黑鲸) 睡美人和 (多佛青年剧院) 圣诞老人黄祸, 加入多佛社区广播路演, 准备打开圣诞灯饰在行程 5. Don’t miss a second of the fun in store for all the family at Dover’s most festive event!


2015 计划P1

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2015 ProgrammeP3

2015 ProgrammeP4