Dover ”Pop Up Business School” Ger ett stort lyft till Small Business


Pop-Up Business School var tillbaka i Dover med Dover stadsfullmäktige finansiering förra veckan att hjälpa en kåk av lokalbefolkningen ivriga att lära sig att starta eget företag och att komma igång.


Self-employment can be a real opportunity to achieve economic independence and job satisfaction. Starting your own business is an exciting but daunting prospect. Få hjälp och stöd samt rätt mind set tidigt i verksamheten är avgörande för framgång. Men många människor tycker traditionella affärs stödprogram ointressant och irrelevant för deras situation med brist på pengar som en frekvent och stor barriär för människor att testa sina affärsidéer.


Pop-Up Business School (PUBS) offers a completely new and exciting approach for would be start-ups and entrepreneurs. Rather than focusing on the normal approach to business planning and finding capital to put at risk, it encourages people to build their confidence, sell something and get paid for it as soon as they can (the internet and personal contact are wonderful opportunities!), and making a profit. This enables people to try out their idea with little risk – make money doing what they love. With practical and hands-on support, the participants left knowing how to set up their own website, find customers and get off to a flying start.


Last year the Town Council together with a number of East Kent partners, including Big Local Dover, funded a first five-day workshop by PUBS at the Charlton Centre Hub – nearly 50 people attended and that very week 21% made a sale that week and 19% started their business.


What difference does the business school make? – hear what one new young entrepreneur said:


I’d just like to say how much the Pop-Up Business School has given me the confidence to go and put my business out there for people other than friends and family to see, and how many fabulous small businesses there are in Dover who now have the confidence and knowledge they need to further themselves and their business.

borgmästare i Dover, sa kommunalrådet Sue Jones:


We believe our investment in helping locals understand how to set up sustainable businesses will make a real difference to the future of our Town. Passion och genuin kunskap från Pop-Up Business School kommer samma framgång



Vår bild visar Pop-Up Business School 2018 i full gång!