Alla uppmanas att undersöka vara en artist på 2018 Big Draw – all materials are provided. Its for all ages so come along and have some fun. This year’s events have been supported with funding from the Mayor, Fullmäktigeledamot Sue Jones och kommunalrådet Chris Precious från sina kommunalrådet Grant budgetar.

Dover’s Fairtrade Town Status has been renewed for a further two years. Borgmästaren i Dover, Councillor Sue Jones received the official certification at a reception held by Dover and Deal Fairtrade Steering Group. Fair trade is about bringing the farmer and the shopper closer together and putting people at the heart of trade. Being

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Kommunfullmäktige har fått ett erkännande för sitt stöd till de som lever med demens och deras vårdare genom att tilldelas medlemskap i Demensvänligt nätverk och rätten att använda den officiella symbolen "Arbetar för att bli en demensvänlig organisation". Konferenser, utbildningsevenemang och medvetenhetshöjande sessioner under de senaste åren har visat rådets…

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Grannskapsplaneringen ger samhällen chansen att ta ledningen i att producera en del av utvecklingsplanen för sitt område - en stadsdel Plan är ett juridiskt dokument och måste användas vid beslut om bygglov. Reglerna kring planering och utveckling har förändrats. Det finns ett ökat tryck på att utveckla fler bostäder över hela landet…

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The Mayor Councillor Sue Jones attended the unveiling of a plaque at Buckland Hospital to commemorate the work of Dr Gertrude Toland, one of the first women to work as a doctor in Dover. Dover Rotary Club arranged for the plaque which replaced one which had been lost during the redevelopment of the hospital. …

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What a great idea Music is amazing – it just brings people together and makes you happy Absolutely cracking day – thanks for the tunes These were just some of the comments from the many people who enjoyed the disco at Pencester Pavilion on Saturday 29th July. Music began at lunchtime and continued throughout the

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St Radigund’s Community Centre is celebrating the refurbishment of its toilets paid for by the Town Council and undertaken by local builders Hippersons. Andrew Sanalitro, Chair of Trustees said We are extremely grateful to Dover Town Council for funding our toilets refurbishment. Good facilities are expected by all and now we are proud of what

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