Dover Town Hall was full with local people and distinguished guests to welcome the newly elected Town Council to their first official meeting. On 2nd May 9 εξελέγησαν ολοκαίνουργιοι Σύμβουλοι μαζί με 9 Σύμβουλοι που είχαν υπηρετήσει στο παρελθόν. Their first job was to choose a Mayor and Councillor Gordon Cowan was elected at

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You can have your say about the future of Dover by filling in a Dover Neighbourhood Plan Community Questionnaire and posting it in the box at Dover Library. Neighbourhood planning gives communities a chance to take the lead in producing part of the development plan for their area – a Neighbourhood Plan is important –

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Dover γιορτάζει 10 χρόνια της ύπαρξης Fairtrade Πόλη. Κατάσταση επίσημα χορηγηθεί 2009 μετά 4 χρόνια σκληρής δουλειάς από τον εθελοντή Fairtrade Δίκτυο υποστηρίζεται από το Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο. Το δίκαιο εμπόριο είναι σχετικά καλύτερες τιμές, αξιοπρεπείς συνθήκες εργασίας, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing

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Dover Outreach Centre has been given nearly £800 raised by the Mayor Councillor Sue Jones at charity events during the year. The Outreach Centre provides a route back to normal life for homeless people including help with accommodation, φροντίδα υγείας, and the everyday things like a postal address that most of us can take for

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Η 101η επέτειος της ηρωικής και ιστορικής επιδρομή του Ντόβερ Patrol για Zeebrugge την ημέρα του Αγίου Γεωργίου 1918 τιμήθηκε σε ετήσια τελετή στις 23 Απρίλιος 2019. Reverend Sean Sheffield conducted a service at St James Cemetery where the fallen of the raid are laid to rest together with their leader Vice Admiral Sir

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