Newly elected Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan was there to celebrate the opening of the new Winston Suite at the Dover Marina Hotel. The new suite represents a substantial investment in the tourism infrastructure of the town and is proof positive of the growing confidence that Dover is set to be the place for


游客来自比利时过来,由于目标多弗尔在奥斯坦德存在的锚节! 与多佛交通博物馆和多佛青铜时代船信托目的地佛领导交给奥斯坦德在锚节在比利时佛展示,突出以游客什么,他们可以看到和做多佛. 过度…


这还不算太晚租用的配股获得绘图 - 生长季节刚刚开始,并有大量的时间去对水果和蔬菜在地里的种子,让你去全年! 有 4 Town Council sites plus the site at Astley Avenue run by


多佛庆祝 10 岁月是一个公平贸易城镇. 地位被正式授予 2009 后 4 多年的由志愿者公平贸易网络辛勤工作由镇议会支持. 公平贸易大约是更好的价格, 体面的工作条件, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing


Dover Town Mayor Councillor Sue Jones was lost for words when she first stood up to thank the 16 慈善机构和谁曾在周三的年度城市会议期间给予的演示,并采取摊位作为佛社区展示台的部分社会企业 1 可能. All the organisations had partnered with and been supported


Dover Outreach Centre has been given nearly £800 raised by the Mayor Councillor Sue Jones at charity events during the year. The Outreach Centre provides a route back to normal life for homeless people including help with accommodation, 卫生保健, and the everyday things like a postal address that most of us can take for
