這還不算太晚租用的配股獲得繪圖 - 生長季節剛剛開始,並有大量的時間去對水果和蔬菜在地裡的種子,讓你去全年! 有 4 Town Council sites plus the site at Astley Avenue run by


多佛慶祝 10 歲月是一個公平貿易城鎮. 地位被正式授予 2009 後 4 多年的由志願者公平貿易網絡辛勤工作由鎮議會支持. 公平貿易大約是更好的價格, 體面的工作條件, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing


Dover Town Mayor Councillor Sue Jones was lost for words when she first stood up to thank the 16 慈善機構和誰曾在週三的年度城市會議期間給予的演示,並採取攤位作為佛社區展示台的部分社會企業 1 可能. All the organisations had partnered with and been supported


Dover Outreach Centre has been given nearly £800 raised by the Mayor Councillor Sue Jones at charity events during the year. The Outreach Centre provides a route back to normal life for homeless people including help with accommodation, 衛生保健, and the everyday things like a postal address that most of us can take for


多佛交巡警對澤布呂赫英雄和歷史突襲對聖喬治日的101週年 1918 在每年的儀式上被紀念 23 四月 2019. Reverend Sean Sheffield conducted a service at St James Cemetery where the fallen of the raid are laid to rest together with their leader Vice Admiral Sir
