Regeneration is not just about buildingsfilling the gaps

“Regeneration is not just about buildings. In order to lift the heart of a place it must involve its people and provide opportunities, aspiration and a sense of community” – 多佛市市长, 议员戈登·考恩.

And in a special Extraordinary meeting Councillors backed the Mayor to deliver on three big projects focusing on improving everyday quality of life for the majority of Dovorians.

  • A £60,000 grant will go to not-for-profit organisation Go Dubris to support the development of the Co-Innovation Centre in new premises providing low cost start-up space for new small businesses. There ae already 10 new businesses trading in Dover Town Centre in shops that would otherwise be empty because of the start given in the Co-Innovation hub. The Town Council’s grant will secure the future for 5 years and play a vital part in the regeneration of our High Street.

  • 理事会支持拯救和改善 Roundhouse 剧院作为该镇社区表演艺术空间的努力. 由于 2005 Roundhouse 给了我们的年轻人一个特别的表演机会, 建立信心并为他们的未来福祉奠定基础. 肯特郡议会将大楼改建为办公室的计划将使多佛成为当地唯一一个没有专门的社区表演空间的城镇. 多佛有足够的空置办公空间来满足任何需求——但它只有一个剧院! The Roundhouse has already been officially listed as an Asset of Community Value and a petition to retain it has already attracted huge local support.

  • 正在探索在镇中心向公众开放厕所的新青年咖啡馆的选择. 年轻人需要一个温暖安全的地方去他们可以社交的地方——我们每个人都时不时需要上厕所!


在过去 2 多年来,理事会一直将支持重点放在那些遭受食物贫困的人身上, homelessness and lack of access to the internet supporting Dover Outreach, Dover Food Pantry, and providing food hampers and laptops for households to ensure children could continue to access school lessons at home.


Now in 2022 – and just as importantthe Council resolved to move forward with these new and ambitious projects to making sure that Dovorians have the community infrastructure and facilities they need and deserve.