我们很伤心最近前市长的听到死亡, 罗伯特 (鲍勃) Markham. Bob joined the Council in 2000 并结束了 10 years until his retirement in 2011. Bob was no stranger to the work of the Council on his election, having ably supported his partner Mrs Lynn Young in


保持警惕–控制病毒–拯救生命获取最新的Covid-19信息, 忠告, 帮助和本地服务,请访问Dover区议会网站www.doverdistrctcouncil.gov.uk或致电 01304 821199. 从6月1日起,周一至周五上午10点至下午1点,镇议会办公室向公众开放。 (不包括公众…


每年的4月23日,多佛(Dover)都怀着感激之情缅怀在那一天在泽布吕赫(Zeebrugge)进行的突袭行动中丧生的士兵。 1918. 当前的Covid-19限制意味着传统的纪念活动无法进行. 今年,我们正在保护包括退伍军人在内的社区中的弱势群体…


During the closure of the Town Council offices following Government advice all allotment rents due must be paid by electronic bank transfer using the details provided on the invoice. If there is a problem please contact us by email at council@dovertowncouncil.gov.uk or by calling on 01304 242625 and leaving us a message – we will


多佛镇议会欣赏的困难和面临挑战在目前情况下. 市镇理事会的工作人员继续路标市民对国家和地方的建议和支持. From Monday 23rd March our offices are open to the public from 9am to 3pm. You will still be able to contact us by


多佛镇议会欣赏的困难和面临挑战在目前情况下. 市镇理事会的工作人员继续路标市民对国家和地方的建议和支持. 我们继续支持当地的志愿部门在支持我们的社会最弱势成员. The council has in place a business
