Dover Town Council will remember the 101st Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 on Tuesday 23rd April 2019. Beginning with a service at 11.00 am in St James’ Cemetery, the commemorations will finish with the ringing of The Zeebrugge Bell at Dover Town Hall.

St. George’s Day raid on the Zeebrugge mole was a most inspiring episode recent British and Belgian history. Trots den fruktansvärda förlusten av människoliv, Zeebrugge-raiden hjälpte till att påskynda slutet av första världskriget.

After the ceremony at St James’ Cemetery, the civic party and veterans will return to Dover Town Hall to ring the Zeebrugge Bell. Klockan var en tackgåva från kungen av Belgien som ett erkännande av offret av Dovers fallna, many of whom are buried in St James Cemetery. As in previous years, residents of Dover and other members of the public are welcome to observe the commemorations, in particular the ringing of the Zeebrugge Bell at noon.