與阿邁勒同行 – “多佛需要更多這樣的東西”多佛市長說, 議員戈登·考恩




數百名當地人攜帶 500 星期三手工製作的燈籠和星星出現了 20 十月迎接 Amal 並與她一起從 Pencester Gardens 步行到 Dover Castle. 在城堡裡,一座新的星星燈塔被點亮,作為對那些尋求安全和避難的人的歡迎和希望的象徵.

Amal is a 3.5m tall puppet of a refugee child made by those who created War Horse. She is walking 8000km from the Syrian border across Europe to Manchester to highlight the plight of child refugees and raise awareness and understanding in the communities she visits.

Dover 的未來代工廠 CIC, 獲得市議會 1,500 英鎊的資助, 在多佛組織了當地學校的孩子和公眾參與的活動. 感謝所有支持Walk with Amal的人. 你證明了多佛是一個關心的社區

Future Foundry have made a lovely film about their preparations about Walk with Amal which can be accessed here http://futurefoundry.org.uk/?page_id=3521.

You can share the excitement of the evening procession by viewing Future Foundry film of the event itself here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVimtIHqh8k&ab_channel=FutureFoundry