“It’s an amazing and important event for Dover”
“It’s great to see an event link the Town and the Castle”
“Wonderful and spectacular – the lanterns are beautiful”
Simtiem vietējo cilvēku nes 500 ar rokām darinātas laternas un zvaigznes izrādījās trešdien 20th oktobrī, lai sveiktu Amālu un dotos ar viņu gājienā no Pensester Gardens līdz Doveras pilij. Pie pils tika iedegta jaunā Zvaigžņu bāka kā sagaidīšanas un cerības zīme drošības un patvēruma meklētājiem.
Amal is a 3.5m tall puppet of a refugee child made by those who created War Horse. She is walking 8000km from the Syrian border across Europe to Manchester to highlight the plight of child refugees and raise awareness and understanding in the communities she visits.
Dover’s Future Foundry CIC, supported with a grant of £1,500 from the Town Council, organised the event in Dover involving children from local schools and members of the public. Thank you to everyone who supported Walk with Amal. You are the proof that Dover is a Community that Cares
Future Foundry have made a lovely film about their preparations about Walk with Amal which can be accessed here http://futurefoundry.org.uk/?page_id=3521.
You can share the excitement of the evening procession by viewing Future Foundry film of the event itself here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVimtIHqh8k&ab_channel=FutureFoundry