Недільна служба пам'яті та парад Доверський меморіал війни – Неділя 13 Листопад 2022

У 11-00 на Remembrance неділю Dover чоловіків, women and children gathered at the People of Dover’s War Memorial to honour the memory of all the service men and women who gave their lives in armed conflicts past and present. закінчено 50 під час богослужіння було покладено вінки, покриваючи меморіал червоними маками, на знак подяки міста за жертви, принесені для забезпечення нашого миру та свободи.

Міський голова Дувра, радник Гордон Коуен покладає вінок.

Парад штандартів, veterans and other organisations marched to the War Memorial in front of Maison Dieu House where the two minutes silence was observed with Civic Leaders. The wreath laying was led by the Deputy Lieutenant of Kent, Col. Brian O’Gorman (Rtd), on behalf of His Majesty the King, followed by the Town Mayor of Dover, Радник Гордон Коуен, the Vice-Chairperson of Dover District Council, Cllr David Hannent. Wreaths were then laid by representatives of the uniformed services and veterans associations. Everyone was welcome to pay their tribute including local organisations and the families of the fallen.

Remembrance-Sunday Dover Town Council

Dignitaries and representatives of the uniformed services and veterans associations were invited to lay their wreaths.

Our thanks go to all those who attended our service to remember the fallen including the White Cliffs Branch of the Royal British Legion who set out the Garden of Remembrance and collected for the Poppy Appeal in all weathers over the last two weeks. We are also grateful to Major Lee Tacey for readings from the Exhortation and the Kohima Epitaph, Parade Marshal Mr Alan Tinker of the Dover and Deal Sea Cadets, Mr John Harknett of the Royal Green Jackets Association for playing the last post and reveille, Betteshanger Colliery Welfare Band and Cantium Brass Band for leading the music, прапороносці, and the young people of our Cadet forces who attended and acted as sentries during the service.


Standard bearers at the Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade Dover War Memorial

The Memorial Service was officiated by the Reverend Catherine Tucker Team Rector for the Dover Town Team Ministry and Flt. Lt. Malcom Sawyer, RAFVR (Rtd), Капеланом Королівський британський легіон (Дувр). In her address Rev. Tucker spoke of the need to remember in such a way as to keep the stories of those who we commemorate alive and continue their work to bring peace.

The service finished with one verse of National Anthem.

Парад потім йшов назад через місто до ринкової площі, де мер взяв салют в Санкт. Церква Марії.

Photo-Credits: Albane