We were saddened to hear of the death of Mrs Ellen Husk, πρώην δήμαρχος του Ντόβερ. Mrs Husk, who was 101, supported her late husband Mr Arthur Husk during his time as Mayor 1962-63 and our picture shows him marking the Diamond Jubilee of the Girl’s Life Brigade by planting a commemorative tree….

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Πάνω από 80 αθλητές και γυναίκες, νεαροί και αξιωματούχοι διέσχισαν το κανάλι από τον Π&O Ferry νωρίς το πρωί του Σαββάτου, on 10th June 2017, to take part in the 44th annual DoverCalais Festival of Sport. Οι πόλεις με τη σειρά τους φιλοξενούν το φεστιβάλ, που είναι τόσο παλιά όσο και η αδελφοποίησή τους, since 1973….

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  Πάνω από 200 local people and civic dignitaries gathered to witness Councillor Neil Rix’s installation as Town Mayor of Dover for a second year at the Annual Mayor Making Meeting of the Town Council in the historic Maison Dieu on 25 Ενδέχεται 2017. The meeting opened with all standing for a minute’s silence in memory

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