
多佛外展中心为多佛无家可归的男女带来希望. 该中心位于 Maison Dieu Road 的圣保罗天主教堂 (St Paul’s Catholic Church) 的翻新场地内,提供上午 9 点至 11 点的临时服务中心,提供基本服务和支持, 简单的食物, 洗涤和洗衣设施. Over the coldest part of the winter from November


    We were saddened to hear of the death of Mrs Ellen Husk, 多佛前女市长. Mrs Husk, who was 101, supported her late husband Mr Arthur Husk during his time as Mayor 1962-63 and our picture shows him marking the Diamond Jubilee of the Girl’s Life Brigade by planting a commemorative tree….


白崖徒步节 2017

White Cliffs Ramblers are back with their ever more popular Walking Festival from 24- 30 八月. The programme booklet has just been published with a wide range of walks to suit everyone. Book up early as some walks fill up quickly – especially those going to places that are not normally open to the public….


The newly formed Dover White Cliffs branch of the Royal British Legion continues to grow and go from strength to strength. This year they were chosen to host the County Parade attended by branches from across Kent. The Town Mayor, 委员尼尔·里克斯, was delighted to be able to present the £550 requested by the


Salad Dressing!

    Here at the Town council we are glad to see the summer sunshine – and we thought we would share a letter that we are sending to everyone who has a Town Council allotment! We have had complaints that since the weather has got better tenants are seeing rather more of their neighbours



A fantastic new Farmers Market opened in the Town Centre’s Biggin Hall on Sunday 25 June with stalls spilling out onto the pavement outside. Kent has some of the very best produce in the Country taking advantage of our sunny warm climate and the rich pastures of our chalk downland. Lucky shoppers including Dover Town


The fabulous floral crown has returned to Dover’s Market Square with a whole new lookreplanted in soft shades of royal purple to act as a beautiful focal point in the centre of the Town. Pear trees and planters filled with flowers along the High Street will bring vibrant summer colour throughout the season


过度 80 男女运动员, 晚辈和达官贵人乘P渡过英吉利海峡&O Ferry 周六清晨, on 10th June 2017, to take part in the 44th annual DoverCalais Festival of Sport. 各个城镇轮流举办这个节日, 和他们的双胞胎一样古老, since 1973….


  过度 200 local people and civic dignitaries gathered to witness Councillor Neil Rix’s installation as Town Mayor of Dover for a second year at the Annual Mayor Making Meeting of the Town Council in the historic Maison Dieu on 25 可能 2017. The meeting opened with all standing for a minute’s silence in memory
