International White Ribbon Day 25 Listopada 2019 – Take the Pledge “Never to commit, excuse or stay silent about male violence against women”

The White Ribbon Campaign aims to end violence against women. Statistics show that 20% of women have experienced sexual assault and 2 women are killed by a current or former partner every week. 6 out of 7 victims of domestic violence are women.

The Campaign engages men and women by inviting them to take the Pledge, and encouraging them to spread the work that domestic abuse in any form is not to be tolerated. Too much abuse of both women and men continues because the victims have been convinced by their abuser that they have no one to talk to. Abuse is s crime that abusers want to keep secret and it needs to be stopped. Wearing the White Ribbon lets the victims know that there is someone they can talk to. Bruises are not the only signs of abuse. Czy znasz kogoś, kto często przeprasza za uśmiechem lub oferowanie opinię? Listen to them, mogliby potrzebować twojej pomocy.

Dover Town Council signed up to support the Campaign last year. To mark International White Ribbon Day 2019 w poniedziałek 25th każdy Listopad to zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w imprezie w urzędach Rady Miejskiej między 11 rano i 3 po południu, i ponownie wieczorem na Louisa Armstronga Pub między 6pm i 9pm. W ofercie znajduje się informacja o kampanii (w tym krótkie prezentacje na formalne 12.00 południe, 2pm i godzina dziewiętnasta), help from a Well Being adviser, a display from Dover Pride together with entertainment and an opportunity to make your own White Ribbon!