Mezinárodní den Bílá stuha 25 Listopadu 2019 - Take Pledge „Nikdy spáchat, omluvit nebo mlčet o mužské násilí na ženách“

The White Ribbon Campaign aims to end violence against women. Statistics show that 20% žen zažili sexuální napadení a 2 ženy jsou zabiti proudem nebo bývalého partnera každý týden. 6 mimo 7 Oběti domácího násilí jsou ženy.

Kampaň se zabývá mužů a žen tím, že vyzve je, aby přijaly Pledge, a povzbuzovat je, aby šířili dílo, že domácí násilí v jakékoliv formě nesmí být tolerováno. Too much abuse of both women and men continues because the victims have been convinced by their abuser that they have no one to talk to. Abuse is s crime that abusers want to keep secret and it needs to be stopped. Wearing the White Ribbon lets the victims know that there is someone they can talk to. Bruises are not the only signs of abuse. Do you know someone who often apologises for smiling or offering an opinion? Listen to them, they could need your help.

Dover Town Council signed up to support the Campaign last year. To mark International White Ribbon Day 2019 on Monday 25th November everyone is welcome to attend the event at the Town Council Offices between 11am and 3pm, and again in the evening at the Louis Armstrong Pub between 6pm and 9pm. On offer is information about the Campaign (including short formal presentations at 12.00 midday, 2pm and 7pm), nápovědy z pohody poradce, displej z Dover Pride spolu s zábavu a možnost vytvořit svůj vlastní bílou stuhou!