7月7日, 結合英聯邦運動會, 皇后區接力棒在經過艱苦但鼓舞人心的英聯邦之旅後抵達多佛城堡. The event not only created a way for the people of Dover to celebrate the collective effort of the nations involved but also allowed Dover to be significantly represented


Queen Elizabeth ll ~ Platinum Jubilee picnic a resounding success !!! by Town Council – 08/06/2022 The atmosphere was certainly exciting last Sunday 05/06/2022 as Dovorian families came together for a picnic at Pencester Square to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. This super-festive event organised by Dover Town Council and Destination Dover featured live music, a host


為紀念伊麗莎白二世女王陛下的鉑金禧, 邀請您見證位於鍾樓廣場的兩個燈塔的儀式照明 / 多佛碼頭 (公共訪問) 在多佛城堡 (通過此處的實時視頻供稿: HTTPS://youtu.be/fgKVlAiJXf8). 多佛鎮燈塔 – 鐘樓廣場 / DOVER MARINA Witness the ceremonial lighting of the beacon


Dover Town Council will remember the 104th Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 on Saturday 23rd April 2022. There will be one service, inclusive of 2-minute silence and wreath laying, to be held at 12 midday at the People of Dover’s War Memorial, Biggin街,…


我們在多佛的所有人,尤其是市議會的所有人都對 P 的裁員感到震驚和震驚&O Ferries this past week. The impact on both the company’s employees and our whole community cannot be overstated. P公司總部&O and its fleet of cross channel ferries are everyday sights in the town
