澤布呂赫襲擊 (聖. 喬治節) 1918 紀念活動

多佛鎮議會會記得 104 多佛交巡警對澤布呂赫英雄和歷史突襲聖喬治日的週年 1918 on Saturday 23RD 四月 2022.

There will be one service, inclusive of 2-minute silence and wreath laying, to be held at 12 midday at the People of Dover’s War Memorial, Biggin街, 多佛. 多佛鎮長, Cllr Gordon Cowan will begin the commemorations by sounding 8 rings on the Zeebrugge Bell, which is located at the nearby Dover Town Hall. The Bell was a gift of thanks from the King of Belgium in recognition of the sacrifice of British servicemen, 其中許多人都埋在聖詹姆斯公墓.

聖. 在澤布呂赫摩爾喬治日突襲是最鼓舞人心的事件最近英國和比利時歷史. 儘管生命的可怕的損失, 在澤布呂赫團隊幫助加速第一次世界大戰結束.

與往年一樣, residents of Dover and other members of the public are very welcome to attend.