Dover Arts Development has led the Threading Together Project. Threading together is a cross generational arts project, using textiles and photography focusing on food cultures and good memories. The project is culminating in an exhibition featuring work produced by Dover Technical College Travel and Tourism students as well as by members of the wider


“Regeneration is not just about buildings. In order to lift the heart of a place it must involve its people and provide opportunities, aspiration and a sense of community” – ドーバーの町長, 市議会議員ゴードン・コーワン. And in a special Extraordinary meeting Councillors backed the Mayor to deliver on three big projects focusing on


WCCP manage the Town Council’s open access land in Dover and they always welcome extra help. If you want to contribute to making our beautiful countryside even more lovely contact them for details of their volunteering opportunities. WCCPは、ドーバーにある市議会のオープンアクセスの土地を管理しており、彼らは常に追加の支援を歓迎しています。私たちの美しい田園地帯をさらに素敵にすることに貢献したい場合は、ボランティアの機会の詳細について彼らに連絡してください, creepy crawlies and plants at a WCCP
