During the closure of the Town Council offices following Government advice all allotment rents due must be paid by electronic bank transfer using the details provided on the invoice. If there is a problem please contact us by email at council@dovertowncouncil.gov.uk or by calling on 01304 242625 and leaving us a message – we will


多佛鎮議會欣賞的困難和面臨挑戰在目前情況下. 市鎮理事會的工作人員繼續路標市民對國家和地方的建議和支持. From Monday 23rd March our offices are open to the public from 9am to 3pm. You will still be able to contact us by


多佛鎮議會欣賞的困難和面臨挑戰在目前情況下. 市鎮理事會的工作人員繼續路標市民對國家和地方的建議和支持. 我們繼續支持當地的志願部門在支持我們的社會最弱勢成員. The council has in place a business


親愛的同事們,   可以理解的是有一個巨大的關注量, 我想,讓你知道,你並不孤單.   目標多佛將盡一切可能幫助和支持您的企業在這個艱難的時刻. 因此,我們建議使用此時間安撫 & 準備.   Reassure ●


Dover Film Festival is underway at the Silver Screen Cinema showing the all best of Dover from 2019 including the opening of the new Dover Pier, the Community Regatta, civic events such as the installation of the Town Mayor and ending up with the fun of the Christmas Lights switch-on and the Boxing Day Dip….


Looking for funds? 該 2020/21 Directory of Grant making Trusts is available in hard copy for consultation in the Town Council offices. The Directory covers 2000 of the largest grant-making charities in the UK and is a staple of charity bookshelves throughout the UK. The Research Team have included where possible the policies, priorities and
