The Town Council held events at Maison Dieu House and the Louis Armstrong Pub to mark White Ribbon Day on November 25th – the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Men everywhere are asked to recognise the necessity for them to stand up and take responsibility in working towards a future without

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The White Ribbon Campaign aims to end violence against women. Statistics show that 20% av kvinnorna har upplevt sexuella övergrepp och 2 kvinnor dödas av en nuvarande eller tidigare partner varje vecka. 6 ut ur 7 offer för våld i hemmet är kvinnor. The Campaign engages men and women by inviting them to take the

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Members of our local Royal British Legion (White Cliffs) Branch braved the rain today to lay out the Garden of Remembrance at the People of Dover’s War Memorial. The black British Legion official crosses are placed in memory of all those regiments connected with Dover during the two World Wars. Coordinator and former Reservist Peter Hall

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There were queues at the opening of the 2019 Big Draw in The Biggin Hall today with all ages from tots to teenagers and seniors busy making pictures together. The Big Draw is a National Festival of Drawing which takes place each year promoting drawing as a key skill that is important not only for

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Art and creativity can build skills and increase confidence and well-being and become the gateway to future employment. This is especially important for those without a home. Local Charities Dover smART project and Porchlight have teamed up to run “Bridge the Gap – the Next Steps” two week long courses to enable people who are

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Bra idé? Behöver lite finansiering? – The Councillor Ward Grant Scheme Do you feel your organisation or project could do with a bit of financial support? Kommer det att gynna människor som bor i din stad rådet Ward? Är det bra valuta för pengarna? Is the funding you need less than £1,000? The Councillor

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