Olemme erittäin surullisia kuullessamme entisen pormestarin äskettäisen kuoleman, Robert (Bob) Markham. Bob joined the Council in 2000 ja palveli yli 10 years until his retirement in 2011. Bob was no stranger to the work of the Council on his election, having ably supported his partner Mrs Lynn Young in

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Dover Town Council remembers and honours all those who made sacrifices during the Second World War and through their suffering and bravery helped to bring peace to Europe once again. Dover Town Council was looking forward to taking part in the national public commemoration of VE on 8 saattaa. Public commemorations cannot now take place….

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Every year on 23rd April Dover remembers with thanks and honours the men who fought and died during the raid on the mole at Zeebrugge on that day in 1918. Nykyiset Covid-19-rajoitukset tarkoittavat, että perinteisiä muistojuhlia ei voida järjestää. This year we are protecting the vulnerable in our community including our veterans

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During the closure of the Town Council offices following Government advice all allotment rents due must be paid by electronic bank transfer using the details provided on the invoice. If there is a problem please contact us by email at council@dovertowncouncil.gov.uk or by calling on 01304 242625 and leaving us a message – we will

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Dover kaupunginvaltuusto arvostavat vaikeudet ja haasteisiin, nykyoloissa. Kaupunginvaltuusto henkilöstö jatkavat viitta kansalaiset kansallisten ja paikallisten neuvoja ja tukea. We continue to support the local voluntary sector in supporting the most vulnerable members of our community. The council has in place a business

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