The annual Dover Town Council Remembrance Sunday commemorations for those who gave their lives during wartime will take place online in the form of a special film featuring a service and wreath-laying to allow for Covid-19 safety. On November 8 at 11am, the public can watch below, or visit YouTube to join in ‘Remember from


Будьте начеку - контролируйте вирус - спасайте жизни, чтобы получить самую свежую информацию о Covid-19, совет, help and local services please go to the Dover District Council website at or call on 01304 821199. From 1st June the Town Council offices are open to the public from 10am to 1pm Monday to Friday (excluding public


Нам очень грустно слышать, что Дама Вера Линн, силы’ Милая, чьи песни помогли поднять боевой дух во Второй мировой войне, умер в возрасте 103. Dame Vera was best known for performing for the troops during World War Two in countries including India and Burma and she holds a very special place in the


Pebbles Kiosk is back! From Monday 25th May your favourite friendly café at the East Cliff on Dover Prom will be open for takeaways – drinks, hot snacks and ice-creamswith a warm welcome for everyone. All the relevant Government guidelines are being followed with social distancing a priority – and for now only


Dover Town Council remembers and honours all those who made sacrifices during the Second World War and through their suffering and bravery helped to bring peace to Europe once again. Dover Town Council was looking forward to taking part in the national public commemoration of VE on 8 май. Public commemorations cannot now take place….


Every year on 23rd April Dover remembers with thanks and honours the men who fought and died during the raid on the mole at Zeebrugge on that day in 1918. Текущие ограничения Covid-19 означают, что традиционные поминки не могут состояться. This year we are protecting the vulnerable in our community including our veterans


Dover городской совет оценить трудности и проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются в нынешних условиях. Сотрудники Городского совета продолжают Signpost представителей общественности к национальному и местному совету и поддержке. From Monday 23rd March our offices are open to the public from 9am to 3pm. You will still be able to contact us by
