80 households in Dover are just about to get vital help to learn on-line with a refurbished computer or tablet. Councillors have given £1,200 from their Ward Grant budgets to local organisation Top-Up-To-Teach to deliver this much needed support to children who have been unable to go to school during the pandemic. Top-Up-To-Teach organises the

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Captain Sir Tom won the hearts of everyone in Dover and across the country last year by raising nearly £33million for the NHS Charities Together by walking 100 laps of his garden. At the age of 100 he helped to lead the nation in responding positively and bravely to the challenges of the pandemic and

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WHAT IS FAIRTRADE? Fairtrade is a simple way each one of use can make a difference through our every day choices. در مورد قیمت های بهتر است, شرایط کاری مناسب, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Fairtrade aims to enable the poorest farmers and workers to improve

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هر سال بین ماه نوامبر 13 - 19, people and organizations around the world participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise the visibility about transgender people and address issues members of the community face. در طول هفته افراد تراجنسیتی و متحدان آنها برای آوردن مسائل پیش داوری اقدام می کنند, تبعیض, and violence that affect the transgender

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بزرگداشت های سالانه یکشنبه یادبود شورای شهر داور برای کسانی که جان خود را در زمان جنگ داده اند به صورت آنلاین در قالب یک فیلم ویژه شامل یک سرویس و تاج گل برای امنیت Covid-19 برگزار می شود. در ماه نوامبر 8 ساعت 11 صبح, the public can watch below, or visit YouTube to join in ‘Remember from

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