Sindaco di Dover Assessore Gordon Cowan si è unito a squadre di pubblicani locali, famiglia, friends and pub regulars for the Annual Publicans Walk along Dover Sea Front on Sunday 29th July. Brava gente di cuore da parte dei nostri pub locali sono stati sempre insieme per 46 years to raise moneyand sponsorship from the event will go towards

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There was standing room only at the meeting of the Town Council on 17 Luglio. Young people organising Dover’s first Pride event on 31st August outlined their plans for a march through the Town, rally and celebration of the local LGBTQ+ community to Councillors. All Dovorians are welcome to show support and to come along

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A single soldier stands facing France. He is surrounded by thousands of poppies dedicated to the fallen by the public throughout the UK paying tribute to each and every one of the sacrifices made. Every One Remembered by sculptor Mark Humphrey is being installed looking out to sea, and facing France where so many died

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Dover Town Council proudly unveils the Dover Remembrance Art Trail commemorating and honouring the armed forces and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. The remembrance art trail consists of five pieces and features three new exhibits by British artist Mark Humphrey commemorating the end of World War One, two named Point of Everyman’s Land and

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Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan joined the crowds and got with the beat at the Dover Together Multicultural Festival on Saturday 29th June in Pencester Gardens, un evento annuale che ora è uno dei preferiti con tutti. The Dover Together Multicultural Festival aims to bring the diverse communities of Dover together to celebrate and

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I dissuasori stanno sbocciando di fiori estivi colorati lungo Castle Street, nel cuore del centro storico di Dover, grazie al finanziamento del Comune. Castle Street is the most photographed street in Dover with its mix of historic buildings and fabulous view of the Castle itself – and it’s now looking even

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Il sindaco, Assessore Gordon Cowan, si unì al vice Lord Luogotenente del Kent, il presidente del consiglio distrettuale di Dover e altri dignitari civici presso gli uffici del consiglio per celebrare la Giornata delle forze armate 2019. La giornata è un'occasione ogni anno per mostrare sostegno a tutti gli uomini e le donne che compongono la comunità delle Forze Armate…

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