Кмет на Dover съветник на Гордън Cowan присъедини екипи от местните бирници, семейство, friends and pub regulars for the Annual Publicans Walk along Dover Sea Front on Sunday 29th July. Добро сърце фолк от нашите местни кръчми са се събираме за 46 years to raise moneyand sponsorship from the event will go towards

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Dover Кметство с гордост представя на Dover възпоменанието чл пътека в чест и в чест на въоръжените сили, както и тези, които са платили върховната жертва. Пътеката спомен изкуство се състои от пет части и разполага с три нови експонати от британския художник Марк Хъмфри за отбелязване края на Първата световна война, two named Point of Everyman’s Land and

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Новият флагман на "Духът на Discovery" Сага бе стартирана от Негово кралско височество херцогинята на Корнуол от Дувър за 5 Юли. The new ship has room for 999 пътници с 540 Изцяло балконски каюти и апартаменти, 5 ресторанти, bars and entertainment venues. The library will provide a quieter space while the lido and spa and gym will provide

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Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan joined the crowds and got with the beat at the Dover Together Multicultural Festival on Saturday 29th June in Pencester Gardens, an annual event which is now a firm favourite with everyone. The Dover Together Multicultural Festival aims to bring the diverse communities of Dover together to celebrate and

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The bollards are blooming with colourful summer flowers along the length of Castle Street in the heart of the Dover’s Old Town thanks to Town Council funding. Castle Street is the most photographed street in Dover with its mix of historic buildings and fabulous view of the Castle itself – and it’s now looking even

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Members of Dover Partnership Against Crime said a big thank you and goodbye to Mr Graham Tuthill, their Chairman for the past 16 years at their AGM in the Town Council offices. Mr Tutthill is also an Honorary Freeman of Dover. Members paid tribute to his many hours of voluntary work and skills in helping

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