Dover’s Young People Setting the Agenda

There was standing room only at the meeting of the Town Council on 17 Luglio. Young people organising Dover’s first Pride event on 31st August outlined their plans for a march through the Town, rally and celebration of the local LGBTQ+ community to Councillors. All Dovorians are welcome to show support and to come along and make costumes and props in advance of the big day in a series of workshops in the Biggin Hall.

Consiglieri hanno votato per diventare un orgoglio partner ufficiale con un contributo di £ 1.500 e l'offerta di uso gratuito del Comune per il giorno.

Vicesindaco Assessore Domenico Howden che ha proposto la votazione ha scritto nel suo rapporto

Orgoglio mette in evidenza i problemi affrontati; celebra indivualities; and reminds everyone of the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. The Dover Pride event will help our town to become more inclusive and encourage community cohesion.

Young people continued to challenge Councillors to make changes with a presentation on the Climate Change Emergency. Councillors agreed show community leadership and declare a Climate Change Emergency and start work to become a Carbon Neutral Council by 2025/30 backing their words with £1,000 of extra budget. The Finance and General Purposes Committee was tasked with oversight of progress and the appointment of Climate Champions to be a point of contact in the local community.

Councillors Becky Sawbridge and Jacqueline Garnet who proposed the resolution wrote in their report

DTC has already moved strongly in the direction of taking responsibility for reducing negative impacts on the environment caused by the way it does business….. The next step in engaging our community and its businesses in taking similar important steps to reduce Dover’s negative impacts on our global environment is to declare a Climate Change Emergency.