Odpočítavať na Vianoce v Doveri 2019 vystúpil na báječný začiatok v sobotu 30. novembra sa osláv v Rynku celé popoludnie, ktoré viedli k veľkej vianočnej svetlo sa zapne v 5pm. Young People from Dover schools and colleges entertained the crowds with help from the Roadshow and – new and unique

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17.augusta & 18th krok späť v čase počas veku Sasov na ustanovujúcom Dover História festivalu organizuje Destination Doveri a Múzeum v Doveri.   Dover História Festival je celý víkend plný voľných * saských tematických aktivít pre všetky vekové kategórie, vrátane Saxon & Viking žijúci dediny s razenie mincí, dark

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Newly elected Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan was there to celebrate the opening of the new Winston Suite at the Dover Marina Hotel. The new suite represents a substantial investment in the tourism infrastructure of the town and is proof positive of the growing confidence that Dover is set to be the place for

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Visitors are coming over from Belgium due to Destination Dover’s presence at Ostend at the Anchor festival! Destination Dover with Dover Transport Museum and the Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust headed over to Ostend at the Anchor festival in Belgium showcasing Dover and highlighting to visitors what they can see and do in Dover. Koniec…

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