Kent Creative Awards 2016 S potešením oznamujeme, že Dover Arts Development vyhrala Umelecká organizácia roka v Kent Creative 2016 Slávnostné odovzdávanie cien dňa 18 mája v Alexandrovom centre vo Favershame. Ceny organizoval zakladateľ a riaditeľ spoločnosti Kent Creative Arts, Nathalie Banaigsová.   “Mali sme nádherný večer, tvorby…

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Congratulations Over 200 local people and civic dignitaries gathered to congratulate Councillor Neil Rix on his election as Town Mayor of Dover at the Annual Mayor Making Meeting of the Town Council in the historic Maison Dieu on 12 máj 2016. Neil was born and bred in Dover, the youngest of 11 brothers and sisters. …

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Look out and up to Dover Castle on 21st April at 8.30pm when the Beacon of the Town will be lit to celebrate the 90th birthday of Her Majesty the Queen. The lighting marks the start of an exciting programme of events in the Town to mark this very special year. Through the centuries Dover

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