Why is Dover Town Council still objecting to the revised Harbour Revision Order?
We really want our Community Directors to take up their posts – and the Directors are equally keen to do so. But we all want to be sure that Neil and Samantha are not outvoted and undermined at every turn by a Board and Chairman (Dover Harbour Board), who for over 5 years have consistently shown themselves less than enthusiastic about REAL community benefit and GENUINE community involvement.
When we were consulted on the HRO, which would allow the Community Directors to start representing Dovorian interests and views, we read it very carefully and talked to others about what they thought – including Neil Wiggins, some of the previous 4 mayors involved in the fight to stop the sale of the port and get real local involvement, representatives of Port employees and the Dover People’s Port Trust. We all agreed that the way it was worded would mean Samantha and Neil would be powerless and hamstrung when they joined the Board. So we objected along with employees, DPPT, the MP and others.
We waited a long time for a revised version and in the meantime met with Tim Waggott and suggested a couple of compromises which would get the job done. But when the revised version came out it was no better. The document we were presented with was ambiguous at best and could hamper the drive for the real community involvement in the port the town overwhelming voted for. All we are asking for is a clear statement that the promises will be met so that town and port can move forward together.
We want to withdraw our objection and get the Directors on Board but they need to join with a level playing field and real opportunity to represent our interests. All we are asking for is for three existing members of the Board including the Chairman, George Jenkins, to be replaced by new appointees with a clean slate. That will give Neil and Samantha a fair chance to take an active part and represent our interests. DTC will not sell the town of Dover short – and it hasn’t lost its enthusiasm in fighting for the long term interests of Dovorians unlike some other politicians.
Σύμβουλος Chris Precious