新的“多佛连接器”已开始向目前不经常使用高草甸自然保护区的当地人开放. 高草甸 (High Meadow) 是一片非常美丽的高品质白垩丘陵地,几乎延伸至城镇中心. There are plans


Teams from Transition Dover and the Prospect Place Community Allotment got together to host the annual Allotment Open Afternoon and share how good it can be to “grow your own” fruit and vegetables for healthy exercise and better eating. The Allotment Team are very proud of the new wildlife pond which they created this year


The 75th Anniversary Memorial Service of the Channel Dash is being supported with a grant of £1,000 from the Town Council towards the costs of the event including insurance, road closures and first aid. The Town Mayor Councillor Neil Rix and the Chairman of the Civic and Special Projects Committee Councillor John Lamoon presented the cheque


Chalking Up Success!

新的多佛图腾被镇长揭幕并欢迎多佛尔, 委员尼尔·里克斯, 和多佛区议会主席, 苏·钱德勒议员. 图腾标志着开始, 从 Athol Terrace 通往白崖和国家信托游客中心的步道的中途和终点…


Mayor’s Quiz a Winner

Over £600 was raised for charity at the Mayor’s Quiz held at local restaurant Cullin’s Yard earlier this week. The proceeds will be shared between the minibus fund for Age UK Dover and Meningitis Now. The quiz was sold out with about 100 people taking part altogether. Competition was keen with local teams pitting their


The Christmas Countdown is well underway at the Town Council with plans for a whole weekend of great events for the whole family on 2-3rd December. Market stalls selling arts, crafts and locally sourced food and drink will stretch from the Town Hall to the Market Square. The fun will continue right through to 8pm


A Dover Town Council grant award of £1,000 has enabled Dover Youth Theatre to mount NEW HORIZONS a free weeklong Arts and Film Workshop in the town this August culminating in a free performance to the public on Thursday 24th August at 7.30pm in Dover Town Hall. International award-winning Film Director Jan Dunn, Editor Tony Currell, West-End Musical
