Maison Dieu House – Open this Saturday 9 September for Heritage Open Day

Maison Dieu House will be open this Saturday 10am – 4pm as part of the annual Heritage Open Day weekend. 美美妙府始建于 1665 作为代理Victualler官邸, 当地的人负责组织皇家海军舰艇食品和饮料供应. 隔壁的美美妙本身 (市政厅) 用于存储. The Agent Victualler remained until after the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 and then the building was used as the official residence of the Officer in charge of the Royal Engineers in Dover until 1834.

美美妙府成为连接到市长的职位时先生RW马默里谁举行市长办公室 3 times bought the property as his private residence. 多佛公司买了美美妙楼 1904 作为城市的公共服务,包括在镇工程师和医务官基地. 在 1952 Dover Library opened and in 2004 the Town Council renovated and restored the building when it assumed ownership. 它现在使用的多佛镇议会和人民对大范围的公民场合和会议.

上周六安理会会议厅, the Mayor’s Parlour and the Charter Room will be open together with a fascinating display of historic items related to the Town and the Mayoralty.