La conseillère municipale Sue Jones a assisté au dévoilement d'une plaque à l'hôpital de Buckland pour commémorer le travail de Dre Gertrude Toland, l'une des premières femmes à travailler comme médecin à Douvres. Le Rotary Club de Douvres a obtenu la plaque qui a remplacé celle qui avait été perdue lors du réaménagement de l'hôpital.. …

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What a great idea Music is amazing – it just brings people together and makes you happy Absolutely cracking day – thanks for the tunes These were just some of the comments from the many people who enjoyed the disco at Pencester Pavilion on Saturday 29th July. Music began at lunchtime and continued throughout the

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St Radigund’s Community Centre is celebrating the refurbishment of its toilets paid for by the Town Council and undertaken by local builders Hippersons. Andrew Sanalitro, Chair of Trustees said We are extremely grateful to Dover Town Council for funding our toilets refurbishment. Good facilities are expected by all and now we are proud of what

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The Pebbles Project brought together local natural history specialist Mel Wrigley and artist Ben Hunt in a combined project based on the unique natural history of the chalk and seashore pebbles at Dover. Children from local schools looked really closely at chalk and pebbles to understand some of the natural processes which formed them millions

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Pensez-vous que votre organisation ou votre projet aurait besoin d'un peu de soutien financier? Cela profitera-t-il aux personnes vivant dans votre quartier municipal ?? Est-ce un bon rapport qualité/prix? The Councillor Ward Grant Scheme could be just right for you. Les conseillers disposent chacun d'un maximum de 1 000 £ alloués au soutien des candidatures.. Projects supported so

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