Използваш ли, посетете или стойността на зелените пространства в Дувър? Ние се нуждаем от вашата помощ, за да ги направи още по-добре. For the last five years the Up on the Downs Landscape Heritage Lottery Funded Partnership has been doing fabulous work to conserve and celebrate the landscape and heritage of the Town. In fact, it’s been

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The Pebbles Project brought together local natural history specialist Mel Wrigley and artist Ben Hunt in a combined project based on the unique natural history of the chalk and seashore pebbles at Dover. Children from local schools looked really closely at chalk and pebbles to understand some of the natural processes which formed them millions

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  Business School The Pop-Up се върна в Дувър с Dover Градският съвет на финансиране на миналата седмица помага фул хаус на местните хора, нетърпеливи да научат как да започнат свой собствен бизнес и да тръгвам.   Self-employment can be a real opportunity to achieve economic independence and job satisfaction. Starting your own business

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Смятате ли, че вашата организация или проект може да се направи с малко финансова подкрепа? Дали ще е в полза на хората, живеещи в Градския съвет на Ward? Is it good value for money? The Councillor Ward Grant Scheme could be just right for you. Councillors each have up to £1000 allocated to support applications. Projects supported so

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